To most people, it signifies a level of achievement for a person who teaches and heals through Reiki practice. But being a Reiki healer or master carries a great deal of responsibility that one has to accomplish. This is a great responsibility that the universe bestows upon the Reiki healer.
There are Essentially Three Responsibilities of a Reiki Master:
- Responsibility to himself: A healer needs to grow and be nurtured from the inside. There should not be any internal negativity in them. In today’s world, conflicts are frequently encountered and can either be accepted or peacefully resolved. A person may be ill or experience strange emotions, like worry, rage, and low self-esteem. A healer should let go of all of these emotions rather than allow them to grow inside and intensify. A healer should take care of himself and follow Reiki principles. One must allow himself daily to receive Reiki treatment and heal. This responsibility is hard enough to carry out, and it is an ongoing effort that gets easier with days of practice.
- Responsibility to students and people: The healer has big responsibilities towards people who come for Reiki. They include members who come for Reiki healing and students who come for initiation and learning. When someone comes for Reiki treatment, the healer or master has to explain everything in detail to the client and also encourage him to go for it. Also, he has to explain that it helps heal the symptoms as well as the underlying causes. If the student approaches the healer about learning Reiki, then the healer has to support the student on this exciting new journey with Reiki.
- Responsibility to the environment: A Reiki healer also has a responsibility to the environment. He has to love, take care of the environment, be responsible, and allow the healing radiance to flow wherever it is needed. A Reiki master has to begin each day by asking himself if he is a channel for Reiki energy and allowing it to flow. A Reiki master should have a strong belief that living with the Reiki principles will earn him a decent amount of peace and happiness.
Take Infinite Love Academy’s Reiki classes to learn about healing energy, balancing the mind, crustal ball gazing, numerology, and more. They have professional staff and Reiki healers who will teach you in a simplified manner. Take your life to a new level, enroll now for Reiki classes online. Visit Now